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Главная » 2019 » Октябрь » 28 » VA - Autumn Selection By Ascent & Mina (2019)
VA - Autumn Selection By Ascent & Mina (2019)

Artist(s)........ VA
Title............ Autumn Selection By Ascent And Mina
Label............ Progg'N'Roll Records
Catalogue........ PRG1DW053
Year............. 2019
Genre............ Psychedelic
Subgenre......... Psychedelic Trance
Rls.Date......... 27-10-2019
Size............. 297,9 MB
Tracks........... 16
Length........... 130:02 min
Source........... WEB
Quality.......... mp3; 320kbps; 44.1Khz; Joint-Stereo
Encoder.......... LAME 3.97


01. Acoustic Pressure - Genetic Algorithm 09:01
02. Ascent Banne - Sunset 08:06
03. Dream State Project Tranonica - Inside Eyesight 07:40
04. Banne - Atomic Blast 07:11
05. Electric Feel - Pacific Ocean 08:43
06. Tot - Transitions 08:13
07. Vladimir Cyber - Space Odyssey 10:29
08. Electric Feel Lybra - Lost In Time (Intenscify Remix) 07:35
09. Denature - Manifesto 07:55
10. Norma Project - In The Sky 07:12
11. Britti Intenscify - Contemplation Of The Cosmos 07:28
12. Psystream - Cognition 07:53
13. Elepho - Locomotion 07:41
14. Ancestral Sounds - 4th Dimension 08:08
15. Raindrop - Quantum Entanglement 08:51
16. Lybra - Welcome To Venus 07:56

Progg'N'Roll Records proudly presents 'Autumn Selection By Ascent And Mina' and the first in the series of various artists collection. Autumn Selection is here to start this hot compilation series with 16 unforgettable tracks from freshest new and legendary well-known producers of Progressive Psy-Trance from Argentina, Brazil, France, Greece, and Serbia.
Striving to strike a balance between diversity and an already well-established standard of Progg'N'Roll Records, Ascent and Mina delivered the selection of pure quality trance music, that will take you on a blissful voyage through time and space, and warm you up this autumn. Thanks for all your support and we look forward to joining you this winter for a new selection with great old and maybe some new friends!




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