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Главная » 2010 » Май » 21

Artist.........: Protexologia
Album..........: Nitzhonot UNR Tracks 1997
Label..........: N/A
Catalog#.......: N/A
Format.........: MP3
Country........: N/A
Released.......: 1999
Genre..........: Goa Trance
Style..........: Goa Trance
Cue............: NO
Bitrate........: 160
Total Time.....: 1:08:25
Tracks.........: 10
Size...........: 78,7 МБ


01.Protexologia - Welcome To Our World (Intro)
02.Protexologia - Star Waves
03.Protexologia - Intercollapse Movement
04.Protexologia - Protexologia
05.Protexologia - Ethnical Activity
06.Protexologia - The Eye Of God
07.Protexologia - Andralamosia
08.SFX - Butterfly Trip (Protexologia Remix)
09.Energy 52 - Cafe Del Mar (Protexologia Remix)
10.Protexologia - Floating Above The Water


Категория: Goa Trance | Просмотров: 1793 | Добавил: эр-джей | Дата: 21.05.2010 | Комментарии (1)

Artist: VA
Album: The Triptone Paradox
Genre: Psychedelic
Style: Psy-Trance
Label: Harmonia Records
Hyperlink: http://www.harmonia-records.com
Catalog: HARMOCD13
Medium: CDDA
Encoder: LAME v3.97 -V2 --vbr-new
Bitrate: VBR kbps
Mode: Joint Stereo
Store.Date: 2010-05
Release.Date: 2010-05-21
Tracks: 9 Tracks
Playtime: 66:41 min
Release.Size: 97.16 MB


1. Pause Vs Eunoia - Remi 6:39
2. Protect Vs Xpiral - 91 7:38
3. D Freq - Life Experience 7:33
4. Eunoia - Planet Earth 6:56
5. Conwerter - Personal Matter 7:45
6. Ridden - Seti 7:17
7. Binary Code - Nothing Unreal 8:17
8. Pause - Activation 7:24
9. Micky Noise - Taito 7:12

Release Notes:

Tritone Paradox is the brand new compilation from Greece's leading label Harmonia Records.Harmonia Records with its smashing new compilation 'The Tritone Paradox', featuring 9 exclusive and previous unreleased tracks from well established artists such as Micky Noise, Pause, Conwerter, X'Spiral, Protect, along with new artists like Ridden and Eunoia, plus the debut releases from Binary Code and D ' Freq.Heavy kickdrums, huge baselines, warm atmospheres, extreme effects, make 'Tritone Paradox' a unique piece of psychedelic trance music.



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Категория: Psy-Trance | Просмотров: 1353 | Добавил: Napalm | Дата: 21.05.2010 | Комментарии (0)

Artist.........: Zolod
Album..........: Deja Vu Fabrique
Genre..........: Psychedelic
Style..........: Dark,Psy-Trance
Data...........: 2005
Label..........: Deja Vu Records
Cue............: No
Log............: Yes
width..........: 1632
height.........: 1224
Picture taken..: 05.11.2009. 17:50
model-Equipment: Sony Ericsson
model-Comer....: W810i
Hyperlink......: www.vertigo-records.com
Catalog........: vertigocd017
Relizer........: Vertigo Records
who delivered..: woodscrock
Convector......: WAV
Playtime.......: 1:18:18
Format.........: CDDB
Content........: .jpg .Wav .txt .log 
Tracks.........: 9
Quality........: 1411
Size...........: 790МБ
who-laid.......: Эр-Джей
photo-size.....: 5,46 МБ
Uploaded.......: narod.yandex


01.Top Label Secret (feat M.F.G.)
02.Vocal Room (feat Alex Ram)
03.Yacht Party (feat M.F.G.)
04.Sadhana (feat M.F.G.)
05.Mosgorvet (feat Stereomind)
06.Drops Mashines (samples from Pink Floyd)
07.Scary Boubles
09.Crazy Diamond (feat Antifon and samples from Pink Floyd)

Категория: WAV - FLAC | Просмотров: 1566 | Добавил: эр-джей | Дата: 21.05.2010 | Комментарии (1)

ARTiST.......: VA
TiTLE........: Wild World By Arkadius & Li'l Momo
GENRE........: Psychedelic
YEAR.........: 2010
LABEL........: Planet B.E.N. Records
CAT.NO.......: PBRD060
TRACKS.......: 9   
PLAYTiME.....: 68:09 min.  
SiZE.........: 156.20 MB 
SOURCE.......: WEB  
ENCODER......: LAME v3.98r 
QUALiTY......: 320 kbps CBR / 44.1 kHz / Joint Stereo
STORE.DATE...: 18-05-2010
RELEASE.DATE.: 20-05-2010
RiPPER.......: TEAM ALKi
URL..........: http://tinyurl.com/34u6zxb


01.Evenflow - Enjoy The Trip                             8:27
02.Hyper Noise & Dual Logic - Chocolate Blanket          6:20
03.Ital - Hombre Pajaro                                  7:50
04.Patchbay & Stereographic - Kambo                      6:42
05.Orgonflow - Plasma                                    7:34
06.Twina - Dama                                          7:03
07.In Lak Ech - Cant Be Broke                            6:51 
08.Luap - Morning Session                                7:51
09.Negation - Positive Negation                          9:31



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Категория: Psy-Trance | Просмотров: 1564 | Добавил: Napalm | Дата: 21.05.2010 | Комментарии (0)

VA - Hypnotic Trance Vol.1 1994
VA - Hypnotic Trance Vol.2 1995
VA - Hypnotic Trance Vol.3 1995
VA - Hypnotic Trance Vol.4 1996

Number of Disk..: 04
Playtime............: 7:05:48
Format...............: Mp3
Forma................: CD
Bitrate...............: 192 vbr kbps
Tracks................: 46
Size....................: 643 МБ

VA - Hypnotic Trance Vol.1 1994

Artist......: VA
Album.......: Hypnotic Trance Vol 1
Label.......: Fairway Records
Url.........: http://www.discogs.com/release/314403
Catalog#....: 50498
Format......: MP3
Country.....: France
Released....: 1994
Genre.......: Goa Trance
Style.......: Goa Trance
Bitrate.....: VBRkpbs
Cue.........: yes
Tracks......: 12
Total.Time..: 69:57 min
Size........: 107 МБ


01.Emmanuel Top - Turkish Bazaar
02.Shaolin Wooden Men - Technique I Follow
03.Total Eclipse - Aliens
04.Vector - Possessed
05.Public Energy - Velocity
06.Schatrax - Midnight Run
07.Ascendants - The Aim Of The Game
08.Prana - Genesis
09.Gianelly - Buzzed
10.Bhasmantan - Bhasmantan (Mantra Dub)
11.Head Doctor - Outpatient
12.Ausgang - Echoe Park

VA - Hypnotic Trance Vol.2 1995

Artist : VA
Album : Hypnotic Trance vol. 2
Style : Trance
Genre : Trance
Year : 1995
Year : 1995
Grabber : CDex
Encoder : Lame 1.30
Quality : 192kbps / 44,1kHz / Full Stereo
Songs : 19
CD Songs : CD1: 10 CD2: 9
Playtime : CD1: 70:48 CD2: 65:36
Company : faiRway
Size : 191 МБ
Type : Album
Source : CDDA
Language : English
Catalognr : 50532


CD 1
01.The Infinity Project - Binary Neuromant
02.Vodoo People - Quad Sep
03.Prana - Starchild
04.Astral Projection - Mahadeva
05.Moog - Kundalini
06.Total Eclipse - The Crucible
07.Cnithe - Spellbound
08.Typhon - Typhon
09.Hallucinogen - Angelic Particals
10.Total Eclipse - Toxic Caterpillar

CD 2
01.X-Dream - Eleven
02.Bhasmantam - Ixtlan
03.Aural Traxx - Brainworm
04.Elysium - Subconsiousness
05.Genecom - Polyphonic Raid
06.Ariane - Objectif Mercury
07.Slinky Wizard - Wizzard
08.Black Labs - Space Bar
09.Space For Space - Enitokwa

VA - Hypnotic Trance Vol.3 1995

Artist : VA
Album : Hypnotic Trance vol. 3
Ripper : sn00ze
Supplier : sn00ze
Style : Goa Trance
Genre : Goa Trance
Year : 1995
Grabber : CDex
Encoder : Lame 1.30
Quality : 192kbps / 44,1kHz / Full Stereo
Songs : 23
CD Songs : CD1: 12 CD2: 11
Playtime : CD1: 72:37 CD2: 72:23
Company : faiRway
Size : 199,3 MB
Url : n/a
Type : Sampler
Source : CDDA
Language : English
Catalognr : 50557
MyReleaseNo : 7



02.Prana - Moretsu
03.Transwave - A Journey In The Outerspace
04.Synchro - Chinese Whispers
05.Encens - Venus Zen
06.Athena - Human Vox
07.Bass Chakra - 230 000 Miles
08.Prana - Message For Eastedge
09.Bass Chakra - 230 000 Miles
10.Transwave - M.D.M.A
11.Witchcraft - Magic Frequency
12.Prana & Athena - Future Space Travellers

CD 2

01.Psychaos - S.E.T.I
02.In Trance - Sorceress Fete
03.Indoor - Vertigo
04.Etnica - Tribute
05.Psychaos - Intellect
06.Total Eclipse - Hit & Run
07.Semsis - Semsis
08.In Trance - Overseas
09.Witchcraft - Whale
10.Hi Score - True Freedom
11.Etnic - Astral Way

VA - Hypnotic Trance Vol.4 1996

Artist : VA
Album : Hypnotic Trance vol. 4
Supplier : - OiG -
Style : Goa Trance
Genre : Goa Trance
Year : 1996
Encoder : MP3 Lame VBR New Method 44.100 khz
Quality : VBRkbps / 44.1kHz / Joint-Stereo
Tracks : 11
Playtime : 74:41 min
Label : Javelin Ltd
Size : 138,0 MB
Url : http://www.discogs.com/release/357154
Type : Album
Source : CDDA
Catalognr : 50610
Store.Date : 1996

01.Electric Universe - On Line Information
02.Tristan - Close Zen Counters
03.Alienated - Free Return
04.Man Made Man - William
05.Laughing Buddha - Karma
06.Sephalopod - Eliptical Orbits
07.UX - Master Of The Universe
08.Nuw Idol - The Beast
09.Cydonia - Freakshow
10.Undercover - Mission 1
11.Psyko Disko - Getaway

http://rghost.ru/1672907 пач-1                   

http://rghost.ru/1672943  пач-2              

http://rghost.ru/1672968 пач-3

http://rghost.ru/1672977 пач-4

Категория: VA | Просмотров: 3310 | Добавил: эр-джей | Дата: 21.05.2010 | Комментарии (0)

ARTiST.......: VA
TiTLE........: Fresh Part 01 (Selected By Absolum)
GENRE........: Psychedelic
YEAR.........: 2010
LABEL........: 3D Vision
CAT.NO.......: 3DEP001
TRACKS.......: 3
PLAYTiME.....: 24:01 min.
SiZE.........: 55.03 MB
SOURCE.......: WEB
ENCODER......: LAME v3.98r
QUALiTY......: 320 kbps CBR / 44.1 kHz / Joint Stereo
STORE.DATE...: 20-05-2010
RELEASE.DATE.: 20-05-2010
RiPPER.......: TEAM ALKi
URL..........: http://tinyurl.com/38tnk8d


01.Ex-Gen & Smashed - Invisible Invaders 8:43
02.Sinfull Reactions - Power Consumption 7:11
03.Menog - Matacanha (Absolum Edit) 8:07



Категория: Psy-Trance | Просмотров: 1394 | Добавил: Napalm | Дата: 21.05.2010 | Комментарии (0)

VA - Tranced Out Vol.777 1995
VA - Tranced Out Vol.888 1996

Number of Disk..: 02
Playtime............: 2:25:55
Format...............: Mp3
Forma................: CD
Bitrate...............: vbr kbps
Tracks................: 20
Size....................: 222 МБ

VA - Tranced Out Vol.777 1995

Artist.....: VA
Album......: Tranced Out 777
Type.......: Compilation
Genre......: goa-trance
Style......: goa-trance
Label......: Divine Records
CatalogNr..: Divine07
Url........: http://www.discogs.com/release/165034
Rel.date...: 08.06.2007
Str.date...: 00.00.1995
Source.....: CDDA
Grabber....: EAC 0.95 beta 3
Encoder....: Lame 3.97 -V 2 --vbr-new
Quality....: VBRkbps / 44,1kHz / Joint-Stereo
Tracks.....: 10
Size.......: 102,98 MB
Length.....: 71:54


01.The Infinity Project - Oscillator
02.M.A.N. - Movers And Shakers
03.Secret Intelligence - 2nd Analysis
04.Tobor - Night In Germany
05.Slinky Wizard - Wandering Prophet
06.Freakquency Generator - Faceless
07.Prana - Scarab
08.P.V.C. - Grooveeee....
09.Mindfield - Innovation
10.Akasha - Ace Of Wands

VA - Tranced Out Vol.888 1996

Artist..........: VA
Album...........: Tranced Out Vol.888
Label...........: Bomm Records, Divine Records
Catalog#........: Divine 18, Divine 18
Format..........: CD, Compilation
Country.........: UK
Released........: 1996
Genre...........: Goa-Trance
Style...........: Goa-Trance
Quality.........: VBR
Size............: 112 МБ


1.Slinky Wizard Anytime Engineer - J. Evans* Producer, Written-By - D. Lamb* , G.Barker* , R. Biggs*
2.Doof I Think We Can Go Over The Moon Producer, Written-By - N. Barber* , Simon Posford
3.Freak-Quency Generator Paranoid (Remix) Composed By - Graham Ford Knubley , Luciano Alberti Producer, Written-By
4.Technossomy Pyramid Producer, Written-By - J. Monro* , M. Evans*
5.Space Dimension Sectors 1,2,3 And 4 Producer, Written-By - B.E. Morton* , H. Bartholomew*
6.Psychedelic Variable Consciousness (P.V.C.)* Acceleration Producer, Written-By - L. Alberti* , M. Black*
7.M.A.N. Jordi Producer, Written-By - A. Tambla* , N. Melton*
8.Dancing Test Tubes Getafix Producer, Written-By - S. Lyons* , Y. Rajeebally*
9.Tobor Modern World Producer, Written-By - R. King* , T. Burton*
10.Trans-Lucid The Gate Producer, Written-By - L. Alberti* , M. Black*

http://rghost.ru/1672735 пач-1

http://rghost.ru/1672741 пач-2

Категория: VA | Просмотров: 1615 | Добавил: эр-джей | Дата: 21.05.2010 | Комментарии (0)

Ital - Activation Energies 2008
Ital - Spiritual Vibes 2008
Ital - The World Of Spirit Plants (EP) 2009
Ital - Elementos Sagrados 2009

Number of Disk..: 04
Playtime............: 3:23:00
Format...............: Mp3
Forma................: CD EP
Bitrate...............: 192 VBR 320 kbps
Tracks................: 29
Size....................: 302 МБ

Ital - Activation Energies 2008

Artist.....: Ital
Album......: Activation Energies
Type.......: Album
Genre......: Psychedelic
Style......: Psytrance
Label......: Planet B.E.N. Records
Rel.date...: 06.04.2008
Str.date...: 25.03.2008
Tracks.....: 9
Size.......: 50,6 MB
Length.....: 36:48 min


01.Ital - Serpiente Resonante
02.Ital vs Hyperceptiohm vs Incore - Music Vibration
03.Ital vs Yage - Uayeb
04.Ital - Open the third Eye
05.Ital - Universal Synchronicity

Ital - Spiritual Vibes 2008

Исполнитель: Ital
Диск: Spiritual Vibes
Дата релиза: 27.06.2008
Лейбл: Antu Records
Жанр: Psychedelic
Стиль: Psytrance
Формат: mp3
Битрейт: VBRkbps
Кол-во композиций: 10
Время звучания: 1 час 07 мин 06 сек
Размер: 89,7 МБ


03.Natureza Divina
04.New Beginning
05.High Vibes (Rmx)
06.Planta de Poder
07.Healing Light
08.Pacha Mama
09.Monte Sagrado
10.God Bless

Ital - Activation Energies 2008

Artist.....: Ital
Album......: Activation Energies
Type.......: Album
Genre......: Psychedelic
Style......: Psytrance
Label......: Planet B.E.N. Records
Rel.date...: 06.04.2008
Str.date...: 25.03.2008
Tracks.....: 9
Size.......: 50,6 MB
Length.....: 36:48 min


01.Ital - Serpiente Resonante
02.Ital vs Hyperceptiohm vs Incore - Music Vibration
03.Ital vs Yage - Uayeb
04.Ital - Open the third Eye
05.Ital - Universal Synchronicity

Ital - The World Of Spirit Plants (EP) 2009

Исполнитель: Ital
Название альбома: The World Of Spirit Plants
Дата релиза: 04.05.2009
Лейбл: Free-Spirit Records
Гиперссылка: http://www.free-spiritrecords.com
Стиль: Psytrance
Формат: mp3
Битрейт: 320 kbps
Кол-во композиций: 04
Время звучания: 31:21 min
Размер: 72 mb


01.Jungle Law (Original Mix)
02.Buddha Home (Original Mix)
03.Strong Rain (Original Mix)
04.Hyper Freq (Original Mix)

http://rghost.ru/1672567 пач-1

http://rghost.ru/1672622 пач-2

Категория: Artist | Просмотров: 1957 | Добавил: эр-джей | Дата: 21.05.2010 | Комментарии (0)

Igor Swamp - @Pernaja 2005
Igor Swamp - Iced 2007
Igor Swamp - Metsa Vastaa, Kuuleeko Suomi 2007
(igor swamp unr);трек-лист;
igor swamp - class one
igor swamp - ivarivas
igor swamp - kaiken jalkeen
igor swamp - ovrimozart
igor swamp - ytkytyytkyty
igor swamp feat. rozy - rozy vs.beavis

Number of Disk..: 03
Playtime............: 2:02:50
Format...............: Mp3
Forma................: CD
Bitrate...............: 320 kbps
Tracks................: 32
Size....................: 410 МБ

Igor Swamp - @Pernaja 2005

Artist: Igor Swamp
Album: @Pernaja
Label: Antiscarp Records
Catalog#: 22
Format: MP3
Country: Finland
Released: Jul 2005
Genre: psychedelic
Style: Suomi
Bitrate: 320
Total Time: 25:18
Tracks: 05
Size: 58,2 МБ


2.Groova Trumpetti
3.Bison Hunting
4.Joulu Jyysto
5.Puutuvat Aivot

Igor Swamp - Iced 2007

Artist: Igor Swamp
Album: Iced
Label: Antiscarp Records
Catalog#: 43
Format: MP3
Country: Finland
Released: Dec 2007
Genre: psychedelic
Style: Suomi
Bitrate: 320
Total Time: 46:12
Tracks: 09
Size: 106 МБ


1.Jibe Wibe
2.Wander About
3.Swarming Mind
4.Frozen Beat
5.Swampy Phenomenom
6.Gimmick Head
7.Pernaja Enchantment
8.Intoxicated Condition

Igor Swamp - Metsä Vastaa, Kuuleeko Suomi 2007

Artist: Igor Swamp
Album: Metsa Vastaa, Kuuleeko Suomi
Label: Antiscarp Records
Catalog#: ANSCD-03
Format: CD, Album
Country: Finland
Released: 2007
Genre: psychedelic
Style: Suomi
Bitrate: 320
Total Time: 1:19:44
Tracks: 12
Size: 182 МБ


1.Stiff Manure
2.On Moss
4.Scrambled Eyes
5.Foggy District
6.Master Blaster
7.Recovered Swamp
8.Take It Easy
10.Keep To The Beaten Track
11.Forestry Brainstorm
12.Home Sweet Home

http://rghost.ru/1672375 пач-1

http://rghost.ru/1672469 пач-2

http://rghost.ru/1672484 пач-3

Категория: Artist | Просмотров: 2715 | Добавил: эр-джей | Дата: 21.05.2010 | Комментарии (0)

Lotus Omega - The Lighthouse 1997
Lotus Omega - Recycle Bin 2000
Lotus Omega - Quantum Rabbit Hole 2002

Number of Disk..: 03
Playtime............: 2:36:10
Format...............: Mp3
Forma................: CD EP
Bitrate...............: 192 320 kbps
Tracks................: 18
Size....................: 277 МБ


Группа всегда была новаторской в экспериментировал в разных звуков, более technoish и темнее своих собратьев друзья Etnica. Филипп всегда шел за глубокий темно Vibe а Франческо выбрала для психоделии, вместе они создали несколько Mindblowing композиций. Ребята 2 прозвищ они используют в сцене: Francesco D'Amato признакам во многих композиций с ГП как Франко Росси, в то время как Филипп использует псевдоним Джина или Fleps. Франческо прозвище было дано ему в Бразилии (когда он провел целый сезон ди-джея), как все называли

Lotus Omega - The Lighthouse 1997

Artist: Lotus Omega
Album: The Lighthouse
Label: TIP Records
Catalog#: TIP 027
Format: Vinyl, 12", 33 ? RPM
Country: UK
Released: 08 Dec 1997
Genre: Goa Trance
Style: Goa Trance
Bitrate: 192
Total Time: 19:28
Tracks: 02
Size: 27,0 МБ


B.Waldorf Salad

Lotus Omega - Recycle Bin 2000

Artist: Lotus Omega
Album: Recycle Bin
Label: Zillion Mental Anarchie Records, Zillion Mental Anarchie Records
Catalog#: ZMACD001, ZMA CD 001
Format: mp3
Country: Greece
Released: Feb 2000
Genre: psychedelic
Style: Psy-Trance, Goa Trance
Bitrate: 320
Total Time: 1:06:23
Tracks: 07
Size: 153 МБ


2.Kuru Kuru
4.Flower Of Life
5.Beauty And The Beast
7.Deep Sea

Lotus Omega - Quantum Rabbit Hole 2002

Artist: Lotus Omega
Album: Quantum Rabbit Hole
Label: Mechanik Records
Catalog#: MECH002
Format: mp3
Country: Spain
Released: Oct 2002
Genre: psychedelic
Style: Psy-Trance
Bitrate: 192
Total Time: 1:10:19
Tracks: 09
Size: 97,1 МБ


1.7 Bit
6.Groove Digger
7.The Blissed One
8.134 Coil
9.Trance Do Brazil

http://rghost.ru/1672245 пач-1

http://rghost.ru/1672287 пач-2

Категория: Artist | Просмотров: 1960 | Добавил: эр-джей | Дата: 21.05.2010 | Комментарии (0)

Форма входа
forest PsyTrance DUB EP flac 2002 techno Psy-Trance 2001 2007 2005 2009 1996 2003 Full On 2004 ChillOut 2006 Psychedelic goa 1997 1999 Progressive Ambient Downtempo PsyChill Dark 2010 VA 1998 1995 2000 Psybient Psycore Psydub Psy Trance Psy Chill HI-TECH Darkpsy 2012 Download Trance hardcore 2013 Goa Trance Prog Iboga Records Dark Progressive GOA Records Psy Breaks Progressive House Dacru Records Nano Records Hardstyle house Deep House Tech House LW Recordings Minimal Mosaico Ovnimoon Makida Impact Drukverdeler Dickster Ritmo Shyisma Jilax Ascent Monolock Jacob Sixsense ikon Imaginarium Owntrip Earthspace Timelock Guerrilla Indra Raz Upgrade Champa Altered State Vegas Bellatrix Ital Some1 Synthologic magik Phanatic Marcus Atacama Biological Lydia Talamasca Outsiders Talpa Technology Faders TimeLapse
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