Title: In Motion - EP Artist: Alien Bug Label: Geomagnetic.tv Catalogue: geoep074 Format: Digital Download Genre: Psytrance / Progressive Trance Release: 2012 World Wide
Time / Bpm 1. 47th Floor 7:21 / 145 2. Sonic Conscious 6:07 / 145 3. Gates to Oblivion 7:55 / 145 4. A Journey of The Soul 2:48 / 140
Release Notes:
Geomagnetic Records presents a new digital musical release by a talented new artist from Poland, Alien Bug. The 4 tracks here on the "In Motion EP” will treat all listeners who enjoy true psychedelic trance sounds to a taste of the great things to come from Miroslaw Sienkiewicz, the mind behind Alien Bug.