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Главная » 2010 » Ноябрь » 23

Artist: VA (Compiled by Ananda Shake)
Album: Mental Concept
Genre: Psytrance, Full On
Date: 22/11/2010
Qual: 320kbps/44.1Khz
Size: 169,18 MB
Time: 01:13:54

01. (00:06:36) Injection - Save The Planet
02. (00:07:05) Bizzare Contact - This Is Science (Spade vs Freedom Fighters Remix)
03. (00:08:12) Ananda Shake - Total Overdoses (Remix)
04. (00:07:13) Faders vs Freedom Fighters - Sunshine
05. (00:06:33) DNA - Avatar
06. (00:07:53) Ananda Shake vs Ziki - Mental Concept
07. (00:07:04) Phanatic - Guarana (Remix)
08. (00:06:58) Underbeat vs Apocalypse - Hook You Up
09. (00:08:08) Gataka - Get Out Of My Head
10. (00:08:12) Sundose - Take A Ride

Категория: Full On | Просмотров: 931 | Добавил: Napalm | Дата: 23.11.2010 | Комментарии (0)

Artist(s) .........:: Hopeku
Title .............:: Flip The Coin / Kylometers
Genre .............:: Psychedelic
Record Label ......:: JOOF Recordings
Catalogue Number ..:: JOOF080
Source ............:: WEB
Quality ...........:: 320kbps avg / 44.1KHz / Joint Stereo
Duration ..........:: 00:14:33 (33.7MB)
Release Date ......:: 23-11-2010
Support ...........:: http://wwww.audiojelly.com

Tracklist .........::

1. Flip The Coin 7:39
2. Kylometers 6:54

Категория: Full On | Просмотров: 694 | Добавил: Napalm | Дата: 23.11.2010 | Комментарии (0)

Artist: JCM
Album: The Sound Of Anything
Genre: Psychedelic
Style: Ambient, Chillout
Label: BFW Recordings
Catalogue: BFW091
Url: http://www.bfwrecordings.com/
Source: CDDA
Encoder: Lame 3.97
Bitrate: 256kbps/44.1Khz
Mode: Joint-Stereo
Rls.Date: 22.11.2010
Tracks: 06
Playtime: 37:34 min
Size: 69,1 МБ


1.Listles Travel
2.Mountain Rain
3.Knock n Echo
4.Cocktails and car keys
5.Mellow Falls
6.Something Easy



Категория: Ambient | Просмотров: 783 | Добавил: эр-джей | Дата: 23.11.2010 | Комментарии (0)

Artist.....: Mood Deluxe
Album......: Hot Points
Genre......: Psychedelic
Catalogue..: LRCD015
Url........: http://www.liquid-records.com
Source.....: CDDA
Encoder....: Lame 3.97
Bitrate....: VBRkbps/44.1Khz
Mode.......: Joint-Stereo
Store.Date.: 11.17.2010
Rls.Date...: 11.22.2010
Tracks.....: 01
Playtime...: 79:05 min
Size.......: 103,6 MB

Track List

01. Mood Deluxe - Southland Tales [ ]
02. Mood Deluxe - Jack To The Future [ ]
03. Mood Deluxe - Hot Points [ ]
04. Mood Deluxe - Trigger 23 [ ]
05. Mood Deluxe - Twitch [ ]
06. Mood Deluxe - Night Club [ ]
07. Mood Deluxe - Mind Pyramid [ ]
08. Mood Deluxe - Kingdom Come [ ]
09. Mood Deluxe - Massive Dynamic [ ]
10. Mood Deluxe - Function For Your Tongue [ ]
11. Mood Deluxe - Shadow Law [ ]

Release Notes

By far one of the most exciting releases of the year.
The second full length Mood Deluxe album and certainly his best work to date.The new album 'Hot Points' brings a glitchy mix of psytrance music put through the MD machine. Fusing breaks, electro, techno and trance as well as incorporating vocal and ambient elements into an eclectic and diverse sound. An entire psychedelic soundscape that makes so much sense as the whole and equality as brilliant in individual parts. This is unique and original from beginning until the end and certainly the best album to come from a UK artist this year.

Категория: Psy-Trance | Просмотров: 650 | Добавил: Napalm | Дата: 23.11.2010 | Комментарии (0)

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forest PsyTrance DUB EP flac 2002 techno Psy-Trance 2001 2007 2005 2009 1996 2003 Full On 2004 ChillOut 2006 Psychedelic goa 1997 1999 Progressive Ambient Downtempo PsyChill Dark 2010 VA 1998 1995 2000 Psybient Psycore Psydub Psy Trance Psy Chill HI-TECH Darkpsy 2012 Download Trance hardcore 2013 Goa Trance Prog Iboga Records Dark Progressive GOA Records Psy Breaks Progressive House Dacru Records Nano Records Hardstyle house Deep House Tech House LW Recordings Minimal Mosaico Ovnimoon Makida Impact Drukverdeler Dickster Ritmo Shyisma Jilax Ascent Monolock Jacob Sixsense ikon Imaginarium Owntrip Earthspace Timelock Guerrilla Indra Raz Upgrade Champa Altered State Vegas Bellatrix Ital Some1 Synthologic magik Phanatic Marcus Atacama Biological Lydia Talamasca Outsiders Talpa Technology Faders TimeLapse
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