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Главная » 2010 » Июль » 26 » Journey - The Ripple Effect Part One EP (2010)
Journey - The Ripple Effect Part One EP (2010)

artist....: Journey

album.....: The Ripple Effect Part One
type......: WEB
genre.....: Psychedelic
style.....: Psy-Trance
label.....: Free-Spirit Records
catalognr.: FRS0014EP
url.......: http://www.psytwin.org/freespirit/
rel.date..: 2010.07.26
str.date..: 2010.07.20
source....: WEB > MP3
grabber...: N/A
encoder...: LAME3.97
quality...: 320kbps / 44,1kHz / Stereo
tracks....: 3
size......: 51,24 MB
length....: 22:23


01. Journey - Surfing Bird                     07:19
02. Journey - The Ripple Effect Part One       07:44
03. Journey And Rastaliens - Psychedelic Fusion 07:20


The full impact of Journey's entrance onto Psy's centre stage will not be known for quite a while yet but it is fair to say it will be significant, with an ever-expanding catalogue of contributions sure to ensure as much. Thus the title of his new digital EP,The Ripple Effect Part 1, is a fair encapsulation of his impact to date. For not only is Journey a musician of substance but so is the label he represents a force of nature. Free Spirit Records has not been around long but boy its influences are forever being felt farther and wider.Enough though of the big picture, let us focus on the sound(s) of now. Just what has Journey plated up for your aural approval this time? Three booming tunes of sonic sumptuous blasting out over the sonic spectrum, grabbing and shaking you to core of your transcendental being, is just one description that could be applied. But that is only my own humble opinion, I suggest that you too tuck in, swirl and savour, then devour and see what you can sprout from the seeds of your satisfied soul. And if you are lucky there may be seconds. Watch this space.


Категория: Psy-Trance | Просмотров: 620 | Добавил: Napalm | Теги: Psychedelic | Рейтинг: 5.0/8
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«  Июль 2010  »
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