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Главная » 2010 » Июль » 26 » VA - Rising Beats (2010)
VA - Rising Beats (2010)

VA - Rising Beats

Artist ....... VA
Genre ........ Psychedelic
Source ....... CDDA
Type ......... Compilation
Label ........ Ajnagroove Records
Catalog Nr. .. AGCOMP001
Release Date . Jul-26-2010
Tracks ....... 09
ength ....... 67:56 min
Bitrate ...... avg. 198kbps
Samplingrate . 44,1kHz
Mode ......... Joint-Stereo
Size ......... 96,5 MB


01 Random Mode - Fat And Tall 07:33
02 Polaris - Fragment 08:04
03 Photonik - Magnet 07:51
04 Ital - Friends 07:10
05 Xpiral vs Kronic - Exploration Of Space 07:20
06 Cosmo Tech vs Xpiral - Twilight Realms 07:44
07 Bunker Jack - LSD Maybe 07:20
08 Random Mode - Let It Hit You 07:30
09 Kino Oko - Atomic Corner(Sйrgio Walgood Remix) 07:24

Rls Notes

VA - Rising Beats Compiled By Liquid Shape
Ajnagroove Records is proud to announce 'Rising Beats', a compilation with real psychedelic tunes. A new Portuguese label that wants to show the best of psytrance music made on earth.This selection was made by Liquid Shape, a Portuguese Dj and a true psychedelic trance lover. A mix of European and South American artists, telling psychedelic tales.Fat synths and basslines, with twisted melodies are taking your brain to another dimension.From Brazil, the dancefloor blasters Xpiral, Kronic and Cosmo Tech with two mental and groovy tracks.Ital, the man of the moment in the psychedelic trance scene, Polaris, the French groovy old-school guy, with one fresh rhythm and innovative groove, will surprise you all.From Portugal, three acts that are rocking with their energy and pumping music. Random Mode, with two of the tracks that will rock Boom 2010 in their main floor act, Photonik with a power psy and melodic track, and Bunker Jack will not give you a quiet moment with his Nordic influences.To finish the compilation one progressive remix by Sergio Walgood (one of the Random Mode guys and a chill-out Wizard) from the well known Kino Oko track - Atomic Corner.Take your time and enjoy this psychedelic journey, by Ajnagroove Records, well selected by Dj Liquid Shape and mastered at the 24Hours Studio by the experient Portuguese old school producer Diogo Ribeiro (aka D-Tector and Factor-D)You will not have time to pee, has the cd starts!


Категория: Psy-Trance | Просмотров: 766 | Добавил: Napalm | Теги: Psychedelic | Рейтинг: 5.0/9
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«  Июль 2010  »
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